Mathjazz’s Cp Site

Club Penguin Cheats

Hi, everyone! Here is a list of cheats, tips and secrets!

1. Nubbing: Go to Then press F11 to put it on full screen. Then click on the white part under the chat bar and you should be nubbing.

2. Standing On Pathway: Go to the Dance Club. Then click on the exit door and keep clicking on it when it says Connecting To Room. Then you should be standing on pathway.

3. Catching The Big Fish In Ice Fishing: Use a normal fish as bait.

4. Secret Levels In Astro Barrier: When you get up to the levels 11 and 31, hit the targets and wait 25 seconds for the blue ship to appear. Then hit the blue ship.

5. Skipping Levels In Astro Barrier: When you’re on the opening screen in Astro Barrier, press 1 on your keyboard to go to level 10, press 2 on your keyboard to go to level 20 and press 3 on your keyboard to go to level 30.

6. Bad Graphics In Club Penguin: Press the += button on your keyboard to change the graphics in Club Penguin. This will help you go faster when you’re in a crowded place.

7. Throwing Lots Of Snowballs: Press T on your keyboard instead of clicking on the snowball button.

8. Making Dessert Pizzas In Pizzatron 3000: On the opening screen, click on the red lever and then click on the start button to go into dessert pizza mode.

9. Puffle With No Name: Go to the Pet Shop and adopt a puffle. When it tells you to give it a name, just click on next.

10. Flashing Words: Go to and type in “I SAW A MONSTER EAT ____”or “green commander of ____” or I SAW A MONSTER IN A ____” or “who wants billybob on their buddy list” etc. The lines are where you can put any word in there.

11. Normal Safe Chat Mode In An Ultimate Safe Chat Server: Go to an ultimate safe chat server like Ice Cube, Bonza, Ice Cave etc. Then go to Edit Account and untick the box that says Ultimate Safe Mode. Then go to another room and you should be in normal safe chat mode.

12. My Puffle Hidden Coins: Go to and read cheat 107

13. Burnt Out Bulbs Hidden Coins: Go to and read the guide

If you know any other cheats, just leave a comment and tell me how to do it. If it works for me, I will put it up there and if it doesn’t, then I wont. If one of these cheats don’t work anymore, just leave a comment saying it doesn’t work anymore. If it still works for me, I won’t remove it and if it doesn’t work for me anymore, then I will remove it. I hope the cheats worked for you.



  1. the Standing On Pathway cheat it not wroking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Cheats — February 20, 2008 @ 3:38 pm

  2. hi math
    i no one!!! to find RH!!!! first go into the penguin name type, type in Rockhopper and a random password. then if it comes up banned forever RH isn’t on but if it comes up wrong password RH is on!!!! pretty kool hey???? if you wont more info go [LINK REMOVED]

    Math says:
    I’ve already found Rockhopper

    Comment by Echipurple — February 23, 2008 @ 10:38 am

  3. all the cheats work i hav tried them all and the standing on the pathway one works like the best cya math

    Comment by Draco Sk8r — March 29, 2008 @ 3:51 pm

  4. hey math wats ur oldest pin mines the shrimp on tennispro. but on my old account brown ruler my oldest pin was the puffle flag well cyaz

    Math says:
    Mine used to be the lighthouse but now its the jetpack

    Comment by Tennispro500 — March 29, 2008 @ 6:55 pm

  5. how come it used to be the lighthouse and now its the jet pack????????????????

    Math says:
    Because I had the Lighthouse pin and cp took that pin away from me

    Comment by Tennispro500 — March 29, 2008 @ 7:36 pm

  6. how?

    Math says:
    I kept losing connection

    Comment by pin ruler — March 29, 2008 @ 9:35 pm

  7. o cp can be rely annoyin sometimes the other day i got ban for no reason

    Comment by Tennispro500 — March 30, 2008 @ 7:37 am

  8. Cool Site!
    Nice Post!
    Do u wanna be on my Ultimate Links?
    Well, go to and ask me.
    But first you must have on you’re blogroll.
    Love your site Mmopuk.

    Comment by mmopuk — April 15, 2008 @ 5:06 am

  9. pathway cheat dosent work!!!

    Comment by smil 44 rox! — April 28, 2008 @ 6:41 pm


    Comment by Smil 44 rox! — May 9, 2008 @ 8:39 pm

  11. wont a mambrship acoont them mail my

    Comment by cool — October 22, 2008 @ 5:15 am

  12. i wase worng thet is my mail to

    Comment by cool — October 22, 2008 @ 5:16 am

  13. I know a secret, In the clothing catalog click the pink flipper thingy to buy a super hero mask similar to a ninja mask!
    If you have a black belt, put on the super hero mask to trick your friends to think you are a ninja!!!

    Comment by imstupendousman — December 16, 2008 @ 10:05 am

  14. i love to visit pet shops because i love to see cute little puppies-,.

    Comment by Money Business : — October 30, 2010 @ 11:14 am

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