Mathjazz’s Cp Site

August 28, 2008

Newspaper Issue #150

Filed under: Newspapers — Mathjazz @ 3:56 pm

Hi, everyone! New newspaper is out!

That’s all for now! Cya!


Here are the upcoming events

August 24, 2008

Club Penguin’s Opinion About Ninjas

Filed under: Other — Mathjazz @ 1:20 am

Hi, everyone! I emailed Club Penguin whether ninjas are real or not and this is what they said


Thank you for writing in again. This is definitely a very good question. I have
not become a ninja myself, but some penguins claim it can be done! The only way
to find out whether it can be done is if you try it out for yourself. And even
if nothing works, you never know if this will change in the future!


Club Penguin Support

So I think what they’re saying is you can pretend to be a ninja by putting the black superhero mask on but they don’t exist for now! They might appear in the future! This is what a real ninja looks like!


So there’s the answer! They were real in Penguin Chat but they are fake for now in Club Penguin! That is all for now! Cya later!


August 22, 2008

Penguin Games Party

Filed under: Club Penguin Parties — Mathjazz @ 5:54 pm

Hi, everyone! The Penguin Games party has started! There are 3 new items!

Blue Face Paint is at the Pizza Parlour

Red Face Paint is at the Coffee Shop

To get the Gold Medal you have to complete all of these 3 events

That is all for now! Cya later!


August 21, 2008

Newspaper Issue #149

Filed under: Newspapers — Mathjazz @ 5:30 pm

Hi, everyone! The new newspaper is out!

And here are the upcoming events!

That’s all for now until tomorrow! Cya!


August 20, 2008

Club Penguin Email Reply

Filed under: Other — Mathjazz @ 5:09 pm

Hi, everyone! I emailed Club Penguin and here is what they sent back to me!


When we released our new features a few weeks ago, a few bugs popped up that we
didn\’t quite expect.  One of these bugs allowed a small number of players to
walk on the roof of the Night Club.  While I bet being on the Night Club roof
gives you a great view of Club Penguin, this bug interfered with a few
important game play aspects so we are working on getting it fixed. 

We appreciate you taking the time to notify us of what you witnessed.  You have
done a great job by letting us know, and I assure you that our Team of
Moderators will take it from here.  We do not encourage penguins to test out
this bug, as it may result in their penguin account being banned. 

Remember, the Night Club is for dancing IN and not dancing ON! 

Make sure to let us know if you see any other bugs, and if you are looking for
the best view of our snowy island, check out the Ski Hill or the Lighthouse


Club Penguin Support

Now we know that this has been happening since the new features came out! Lets hope Club Penguin can fix this bug! That’ll be all for now until sometime later! Cya!


August 18, 2008

Hackers Again!

Filed under: Other — Mathjazz @ 6:20 pm

Hi, everyone! In the afternoon I went on Frozen and found more hackers! Darkwatt and Rockwatt!

Darkwatt is the green one and Rockwatt is the black one! I think it is time to start emailing Club Penguin about this and tell them that they used a hacking program to get on top of the night club! Hacking is illegal! Everyone start emailing Club Penguin about this because this is serious! They might even ban people and take over Club Penguin but I highly doubt that! That is all for now! Cya later and don’t forget to email Club Penguin about this!


August 17, 2008

More Hackers! (Even Worse)

Filed under: Other — Mathjazz @ 10:11 pm

Hi, everyone! At night I went on Mammoth again and went to the town and I found a huge group of hackers! Here is a picture!

It was even worse than yesterday! They copied what everyone was saying! If you see any of those black Penguins that copy what you say, then ignore them! Hopefully they will get banned forever on Club Penguin and go to jail and pay lots of money! First Dilldude1, then a huge group of black Penguins! What next? I will update this site when I see more hackers! That is all for now! Cya later!


August 16, 2008


Filed under: Other — Mathjazz @ 11:19 pm

Hi, everyone! I went on Mammoth at night and I went to the town and found a hacker dancing on top of the night club! Here is a picture!

He can also get off the night club and get back on! If you see him, ignore him! He’s a hacker and should go to jail! Hacking is illegal! That is all! Cya later!


August 15, 2008

Sports Catalog August ’08+Igloo Catalog August ’08+New Pin

Filed under: Catalogs — Mathjazz @ 6:27 pm

Hi, everyone! There are two new catalogs and a new pin! Sports and igloo catalogs! I will start with the spots catalog

Hidden item 1: Orange Football Helmet

Hidden item 2: Silver Surfboard


Here is the igloo catalog!

Hidden igloo 1: Secret Stone Igloo

Hidden igloo 2: Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo

Finished with the catalogs! The new pin is at the stage! It’s a dodgeball!

That’s all for now! Cya!


August 14, 2008

Newspaper Issue #148

Filed under: Newspapers — Mathjazz @ 5:34 pm

Hi, everyone! The new newspaper is out!

And here are the upcoming events

That’s all for now until tomorrow! Cya later!


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