Mathjazz’s Cp Site

May 29, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — Blitz7 @ 8:10 am

Hey everyone! I’m Blitz7, I’m now going to work here with Mathjazz. I hope you like all my posts!

To find out more about me click here!

Well here’s a cool glitch:

Dropping Words Glitch

1. First go to one of these rooms:



Snow Forts

The HQ

Boiler Room

Ski Lodge

Dance Club

2. Go to the border of the screen on Club Penguin

3. Say something like “hi hi”

4. Walk around and your words will drop

Here’s what it looked like for me:

May 19, 2008

I’m Going To A Funeral

Filed under: Other — Mathjazz @ 7:31 pm

Hello, everyone! I will be going to a funeral because my great auntie died! 😥 The funeral will be far from my house so I will be leaving early in the morning on Tuesday and I will be back Thursday night! I will miss you! Bye, everyone!


May 13, 2008

Winners Of The Contest

Filed under: Other — Mathjazz @ 6:00 pm

Hi, everyone! Sorry I haven’t been counting the comments earlier on. It is taking longer than expected to fix my fast computer. I am still using my slow computer. Here are the winners of the contest:



Mark Inciong

Please email me at or contact me in any other way and tell me what prize you want

If you don’t contact me in 5 days then I will pick the next person as a winner

Congrats to the winners and the people who commented!



May 2, 2008

Commenting Contest

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mathjazz @ 6:21 pm

Hey, everyone! I decided to make a contest! All you have to do is comment as much as you can on this post! Easy isnt it? There will be 3 winners! Here are the rewards:

1. 10,000 coins on cp (pass required)

2. Mod on my xat

3. Be on my blogroll (must have a site)

4. I’ll comment 5 times a day on your site for 3 days (must have a site)

5. Admin on my site for a month (must have a site) 

6. Sites advertised in 5 posts (must have a site)

7. I’ll make any post you want (must be appropriate and about club penguin)

8. Picture of your penguin on my site in 5 posts

The contest will end on May 9 so start commenting!

Good luck! 😉


Newspaper Issue #133

Filed under: Newspapers, Uncategorized — Mathjazz @ 12:10 am

Hi, everyone! The new newspaper is out!

And here are the upcoming events

More to come tomorrow! Cya!


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